Den 12. november 2022 vil der være Epiphany Dawn Anomaly i Chinatown, Los Angeles, USA.
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Du vil kunne købe Epiphany Dawn Supporter Kit (25$) som skal afhentes på aftalt sted/tidspunkt i Los Angeles. Forventet indhold:
- Anomaly Bio Card (no code)
- 2022 Hank Johnson Character card (with code)
- 2022 P. A. Chapeau – Character card (with code)
- Epiphany Dawn Pin
- Epiphany Dawn Patch
- Epiphany Dawn Sticker Sheet
- Very Rare Load out Card
- Rare Battle Beacon Card (With code)
- Epiphany Dawn Collectors Envelope

It is now clear that the 2022 XM Anomaly Series medals – Kureze Effect; Kythera; Superposition; Epiphany Dawn – represent a Power Cube collapsing in on itself. A collapsed (or exploded?) Power Cube at the Niantic Project is thought to have been the catalyst for the Ingress Scanner leaking to the public 10 years ago. If the Enlightened capture the Epiphany Dawn Anomaly Series, then together we will open K’s Power Cube and learn who or what the Shapers really are. If the Resistance capture the Epiphany Dawn Anomaly series, then we close K’s Power Cube, and they keep this knowledge to themselves forever. Like Pandora’s box, Agents, this decision is yours to make. Good luck.
Epiphany Dawn – 3 faser
Fase 1: Anomaly i Los Angeles, CA, USA, lørdag d. 12 november 2022. MU scorekamp i 10 regioner (Connected Cells) under Septicycle 2022.43 med afslutning til kl. 9 CP lørdag 12. november.
- PA07-SIERRA-08 (Christchurch, New Zealand)
- AS16-SIERRA-00 (Fukuoka, Japan)
- AS09-LIMA-13 (Singapore, SG)
- NR02-FOXTROT-11 (Krakow, Polen)
- NR02-GOLF-12 (Essen/Dusseldorf, Tyskland)
- NR03-JULIET-04 (Glasgow, England)
- AF07-ROMEO-12 (Lisbon, Portugal)
- AM01-LIMA-01 (New York, USA)
- AM12-SIERRA-13 (Brasilia, Brasilien)
- AM08-LIMA-15 (Bogota, Columbia)
Fase 2: Global Battle Beacons i perioden fredag d. 18. november 2022 kl. 18 til mandag d. 28. november 2022 kl. 18.
Fase 3: Anomaly i Yokohama, Japan lørdag d. 10. december 2022. MU scorekamp i 10 regioner (Connected Cells) under Septicycle 2022.46 med afslutning til kl 6 CP søndag d. 4. december 2022.
— Kilde
I perioden fredag d. 11. november 2022 kl. 18 til mandag d. 14. november kl. 18:
- Du vil under felter kunne linke op 8km (normalt 500m).
I Ingress Store (butikken) vil du i perioden kunne købe følgende:
- 1 ADA Refactor and 1 JARVIS Virus bundle (3000 CMU). Max én pr. agent.
- Epiphany Dawn Loadout Kit – Hank Johnson 2015 medalje (30800 CMU)
- Epiphany Dawn Loadout Kit – P. A. Chapeau 2015 medalje (30800 CMU)
— Kilde