I forbindelse med Epiphany Dawn i November-December 2022 kom det frem at hvis ENL vandt så vil vi få at vide hvem og hvad The Shapers er.
If the Enlightened capture the Epiphany Dawn Anomaly Series, then together we will open K’s Power Cube and learn who or what the Shapers really are.
— Kilde
Hvis RES vandt vil denne viden blive tilbageholdt.
Men nu vandt ENL og det er nu (November 2023) kommet frem hvad denne viden var. Den blev givet til ENL POC’s i Marts 2023, gav anledning til 4 passcodes og er altså nu offentliggjort.
As promised, Yokohama and Los Angeles POC’s for Epiphany Dawn anomaly received from Intel from K explaining who the Enlightened really are. The following message has been decoded to reveal the secret:
Offentliggjort besked…
If history is written by the victors then that implies that like art it too is open to interpretation.
Humans versus aliens.
It’s all there black and white clear as crystal but I never once believed that the shapers were little green men with antennae.
And trust me I want to believe.
Something terrible happened here but not what you think.
Maybe only RJ knows.
47°22’38”N 8°32’24”E.
Exotic matter is data leaking into our world at portals. It’s a coded signal sent by the shapers. We use the scanner to try and decipher their glyphs and decode their messages but sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m talking to a ghost. There’s something familiar about their presence like someone that I used to know. If you’ve played racing games then you know in a time trial the fastest racer gets recorded as the ghost car. Ten years later and you can pickup an old racing game and the ghost car will still be racing around the track. Well if history is open to interpretation then so can this. The ghost car is how I’ve always thought of the shapers. That they aren’t aliens they’re us. They’re agents from an alternate reality and they’re trying to broadcast a message to anyone who will hear it.
Advance past present future together.
— Kilde
PS. Koordinaterne er til Zürich’s hovedbanegård i Schweiz – Zürich Hauptbahnhof – hvor Roland Jarvis kom til da RES vandt MZFPK.