I anledning af Halloween vil du i perioden lørdag 26. oktober til lørdag 2. november 2024 kunne købe Dark XM Hank – Halloween 2024 bundle til 30.800 CMU i Ingress Store (butikken). Vi må se hvad der er af eventuelt ekstra udstyr i den pakke og om der kommer til at ske mere i den anledning.
Whispers from the Nest: The Vision of Dark XM Hank
NIA intercepted message via the Portal Network
I saw him rise, bathed in red, XM surging, eyes empty. Not a vision of passion, but a cold premonition.
The 2010 crossfire, the Afghan sun, Hank’s fall – it all remains vivid. But the ancient knowledge whispered of another way. The Nest, that ancient 13MAGNUS stronghold, and a forbidden ritual. A desperate gamble, yet faced with Hank’s lifeless body lying cold in the dust, I made my choice. I invoked the ritual, brought him back. Not as he was, but a simulacrum, an echo of his former self, fueled by XM.
He wouldn’t remember. His memories to be wiped clean every 1,331 days. This was the price. Farewell, Hank. May you find the answers you seek.
Om det er i anledning af weekendens XM Anomaly i Hakodate, Japan eller om der er gang i noget nyt under navnet Equinox ved vi ikke, men der bliver i hvert fald teaset med det – og med at man i Store (butikken) i perioden 22. september til 30. september 2024 vil kunne købe character medalje for Akira Tsukasa sammen med lidt udstyr.
The Equinox casts long shadows, and none longer than Akira Tsukasa’s. What secrets does she hide? Message from the Truthseeker: (Twitter/X)
The Equinox approaches, Agents, a time of balance, but also a time of uncertainty. As day and night stand in equilibrium, I can’t help but think of another figure who embodies this duality: Akira Tsukasa.
We’ve all crossed paths with her, haven’t we? One moment, she’s an ally whispering secrets, the next, a phantom disappearing into the XM fog. Her loyalties shift like sand, leaving us to decipher her cryptic riddles and question her true intent.
From the shadowy corridors of IQTech East to the enigmatic NL-PRIME project, Akira’s accomplishments reveal a mind both brilliant and audacious. But at what cost? Her relentless pursuit of XM’s secrets has yielded breakthroughs, yet the potential fallout remains shrouded in mystery.
Take the Agent Olympiad, for instance. A grand experiment, its true purpose remains undisclosed. No reports, no explanations. Was it a test? A trap? A game for her own amusement? The lingering questions cast long shadows.
Her influence extends further, whispering into the corridors of power. A suspected advisor to the Japanese cabinet, she manipulates XM research funding, fueling her own enigmatic agenda. What secrets does she hoard? What experiments does she conduct in the shadows?
Consider her recent project “NL1331H” in Hakodate. Detection equipment, clandestinely installed on a public tram, without a word to the citizens or local authorities. A blatant disregard for privacy, for consent. Is this the pursuit of knowledge, or a reckless power play?
Akira’s intellect is undeniable, her grasp of XM unparalleled. She treads a fine line between brilliance and recklessness, pushing the boundaries of possibility. But does even she comprehend the full implications of her actions?
The Equinox, a delicate balance of light and dark, creation and destruction. Akira embodies this duality. Her research teeters on the edge, promising either a renaissance or an apocalypse.
The XM she wields… a key to breakthrough or a Pandora’s Box? A chilling thought indeed.
As we navigate this Equinox, let’s not avert our gaze from Akira Tsukasa. Her enigmatic nature and relentless pursuit of knowledge make her a wildcard, a catalyst for change – whether for good or ill.
Remember, Agents, the future is not written in XM, but in our choices. Strive for balance, seek understanding, and ensure that XM serves humanity, not the other way around.
For as long as we have had consciousness and the words to describe it, a question has lingered: Where do Ideas come from? Are they born inside us or breathed into us from some external source? Or, is it perhaps some complex interplay between the two?
In 2012, scientists at CERN discovered the presence of Exotic Matter (XM) in our world. This quantum phenomenon, its origin unknown, contained detectable modulation — a Signal.
Researchers learned that XM entered our world from another dimension through Transdimensional Portals. Across time and cultures, humanity had unwittingly marked these Portal with significant historical, cultural and artistic landmarks.
A theory began to circulate… What if the signal in XM was affecting the human mind, unlocking or enhancing Ideas. The concept that consciousness is a quantum process is becoming more commonplace now — this was radical thinking back then.
A secret research initiative, the Niantic Project, was established by the National Intelligence Agency to study XM and identify its threats and opportunities.
Jarvis, a key figure in the Niantic Project and a visionary artist, embraced XM’s transformative potential. He founded a movement built on the idea that XM unlocked inspiration that would guide Humanity into a utopian future.
‘She’ began to function independently, operating with the Niantic Project’s mission that XM, until it could be better understood, must be controlled and studied. This became the path of the Resistance. -Akira
Jarvis was killed under mysterious circumstances, ADA escaped into the wilds of the internet, and the project’s XM detection and manipulation software was leaked to the world. -Akira
In an attempt to make the most of this serious setback, the National Intelligence Agency partnered with a tech company to disguise the leaked XM detection software as a game.
Agents, the ‘players’ of the Ingress ‘game,’ learned that XM portals formed ‘Fields of Influence’ when connected to each other. These Fields altered the thinking of those within them.
A continuous global battle for control of human minds was beginning to take shape, with each Faction aiming to spread their vision of the future to all. -Akira
Large-scale XM disruptions at specific places and times, known as XM Anomalies, become battlegrounds where Agents from both Factions converged to define the flow of reality at key moments.
Over time we learned that our universe is one of many. The struggle between the Enlightened and Resistance visions is taking place in all of them. XM is transdimensional, and so are the stakes. -Akira
As the #Hakodate #Ingress XM Anomaly approaches, one universe’s future hangs in the balance. The Enlightened and Resistance are preparing for a showdown that will change a course of history.
Den 6. februar 2024 droppede der et ny medie BountiesProg ved portal/drone hacks. Det annoncerede en kommende ny feature: Bounties.
Forventningen er at en ny knap vil blive introduceret i Scanner og at denne giver en række opgaver som man skal udføre mod at få ekstra udstyr. Opgaverne vil formentlig ændre sig dagligt.
PS. Der er mindst 3 passcodes i ovenstående. I skrivende stund er i hvert fald 2 af dem FR.
Niantic annoncerede d. 10. januar 2024 en ny udfordring og anomaly under navnet Cryptic Memories.
En global udfordring hvor agenter skal nedskyde, sætte eller opgradere resonatorer og får point efter dette som følger:
Nedskyde en resonator: 1 point
Sætte en resonator: 2 point
Opgraderer en anden agents’ resonator: 2 point
En fuld portal nedskydning (+8) og fuld portal deploy (+16) giver 24 point.
Udfordringen løber i perioden fra fredag d. 12 januar 2024 kl 18. til mandag d. 5. februar 2024 kl. 18.
Agenter vil løbende tildeles en trin-delt medalje når de opnår følgende point-score:
Bronze mindst 1.500 point.
Sølv mindst 15.000 points.
Bronze hhv sølv medalje.
Din scanner profil vil vise dine opnåede point under statistikken Cryptic Memories Global Op.
Du kan opnå bronze medaljen ved fx at nedskyde og fuld-deploy på 63 fuld-deployet RES eller MACHINA portaler, eller ved at fuld-deploy på 94 neutrale portaler. Virker overkommeligt.
For sølv medaljen skal du nedskyde og fuld-deploy på 625 fuld-deployet RES eller MACHINA portaler, eller ved at fuld-deploy på 938 neutrale portaler. Det bliver mere en reel udfordring.
Det hold der har flest deltagende agenter, der opnår enten bronze eller sølv i den globale operation, vil ydermere score point til en ny Cryptic Memories Anomaly Series. Serien starter i januar 2024 og slutter i marts 2024. Agenter vil kunne opnå en ny Anomaly medalje
I perioden onsdag d. 6. december, 2023 kl. 01.00 til lørdag d. 6. januar, 2024 kl. 01.00 vil du kunne opnå Bronze eller Sølv Chronos Medalje ved at score Chronos Point.
Hop ind på Operation Chronos eventsiden for flere detaljer om hvordan du opnår Chronos Points.
In a stunning display of scientific prowess, earlier this year, Akira Tsukasa and Devra Bogdanovich joined forces to launch an assault against the Machina Portal infection. Their experiment brought a fleeting moment of respite, only to be shattered by a resurgence of this formidable foe.
The scientific pursuit has not ended. Newly acquired intelligence unveils an audacious experiment these two visionaries have set in motion. A precarious venture—one with the potential to reverberate not only through the realm of Machina but to the very essence of our own reality itself.
Should their experiment succeed, we may find ourselves faced with transformation: Our universe transcending a boundary and propelling us, in 2024, into an alternate dimension laden with unknown perils and possibilities.
Der er 3 passcodes i billedet. De er FR og gav alle: 1331XM, 11PC8, 11R8 og 11X8.
Document: CHRONOS.j7o6kmt5yaoj3k5y
Location: REDACTED Tokyo
Transcript Begins
PxA: Machina was always going to have consequences. We knew that.
PxB: This is beyond anything I anticipated. The XM is behaving as if it's trying to stabilize itself, but can’t.
PxA: What if this isn't a destabilization? What if it’s an opening?
PxB: An opening? Akira, no. No way. I knoe how you thing. REDACTED. The risks are substantial.
PxA: Your caution is your strength, Devra. It balances me, but right now you need to think of the Portals not just as conduits, but as bridges.
PxB: A dimensional bridge? That much is known, or theorized, I guess, but REDACTED.
PxA: Caution is paramount, I agree. But consider the implications. We've hypothesized about XM’s transdimensional properties. REDACTED.
PxB: Testing is one thing, Akira. You’re talking about... moving an entire living reality into... some new, completely unknown time and place.
PxA: I see a challenge, I rise to it. Machina created these bridges. If we travel to them, we could discover Machina’s source. And you know we need to find that if we REDACTED.
PxB: Akira, this is insane, even for you.
PxA: Belief, Devra. You should try it. Believe in our knowledge. We can engage the Agents for a coordinated effort. This is not just about exploration and experiencing a new reality, it is about understanding how Machina REDACTED.
PxB: This would be a massive undertaking with zero prior knowledge.
PxA: The Agents will help by increasing the intensity of the XM. Overclocking it. Devra, we have the opportunity to do something groundbreaking here.
PxB: More like reality-breaking. Your plans give me so much indigestion, Akira.
PxA: That’s just the ramen. I told you not to add so much togarashi.
Transcript Ends
Hvis RES vandt vil denne viden blive tilbageholdt.
Men nu vandt ENL og det er nu (November 2023) kommet frem hvad denne viden var. Den blev givet til ENL POC’s i Marts 2023, gav anledning til 4 passcodes og er altså nu offentliggjort.
As promised, Yokohama and Los Angeles POC’s for Epiphany Dawn anomaly received from Intel from K explaining who the Enlightened really are. The following message has been decoded to reveal the secret:
Offentliggjort besked…
If history is written by the victors then that implies that like art it too is open to interpretation.
Humans versus aliens.
It’s all there black and white clear as crystal but I never once believed that the shapers were little green men with antennae.
And trust me I want to believe.
Something terrible happened here but not what you think.
Maybe only RJ knows.
47°22’38”N 8°32’24”E.
Exotic matter is data leaking into our world at portals. It’s a coded signal sent by the shapers. We use the scanner to try and decipher their glyphs and decode their messages but sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m talking to a ghost. There’s something familiar about their presence like someone that I used to know. If you’ve played racing games then you know in a time trial the fastest racer gets recorded as the ghost car. Ten years later and you can pickup an old racing game and the ghost car will still be racing around the track. Well if history is open to interpretation then so can this. The ghost car is how I’ve always thought of the shapers. That they aren’t aliens they’re us. They’re agents from an alternate reality and they’re trying to broadcast a message to anyone who will hear it.
Document: royThsiSegj-bujFiSedest
Date: ##########
Location: ######################################
Subjects: PxA (Identified: TSUKASA, AKIRA), PxB (Identified: BOGDANOVICH, DEVRA)
Transcript Begins
PxA: I hope security didn't give you too much trouble. They can be overzealous.
PxB: Understatement of the year. Why am I here? Why couldn't we do this over VC?
PxA: Your theoretical paper on harmonic communication in viruses. It provided a cornerstone I needed to pinpoint a frequency based attack on Machina Portals.
PxB: Frequency based? Akira, look, your expertise in XM Resonance is nothing short of groundbreaking, If I can bring theory to your tech, that's amazing, What do you need?
PxA: Ah, you misunderstand. I already did it. Please observe.
PxB: Is that… Tchaikovsky?
PxA: I needed a payload wrapper. I chose something I don't mind hearing a lot.
Px8: I don't believe it. The effects are immediate. Drastic. Akira! I'm stunned.
PxA: Thank you, But I do have concerns. There's uncertainty about the long-term effects. Machina could adapt. We might even see shifts in its behavior.
PxB: I've thought about that as well. Viruses, by their nature, mutate. If Machina behaves like biological viruses, we may need to continuously update the approach.
PxA: Precisely, I also worry about unanticipated impacts on the Portals, or on Machina.
PxB: Science is the art of uncertainty. But given the imminent threat, we need to act. Collaboration will be key.
PxA: Yes, I can't do this without you. I need your theoretical mind working on how Machina may adapt. Maybe we can even figure out where it comes from.
PxB: Agreed. I've spent decades theorizing about this. You've brought it to life and given it purpose.
PxA: I'm going to leverage the XM spike from the Kobe Anomaly to distribute this attack throughout the entire network.
PxB: Machina's going to get an Overture it won't forget…
FxA: Wow.
PxB: Sorry. Jetlagged. My sense of humor may improve once I've rested.
PxA: I hope so. That was really quite bad.
Transcript Ends
Notes: The SIGINT device ########################## active for 16 days. References to ################### will need further investigation. Due to the nature of the ############### further analysis of the ########### cannot be performed at this time.
Der er faktisk 3 kryptotekster i fotoet som alle giver passcodes. De er dog alle FR.
Roland Jarvis stood before a Clock in Zürich and received a vision of the future… a vision broadcast from across dimensions and time.
The vision Echoed through this universe, codenamed TS-RUBICON, and another artist sensed its presence. In that echo, Carrie Campbell began to see a universal language of line, shape and form. Their shared connection to this vision brought her and Jarvis together. With her help Jarvis began to piece together the meaning behind vision, and perhaps its source.
It was a roadmap… one leading humanity to a destiny that, to him, was perfect.
Two paths lay before him: One leading to a gifted multidisciplinary technologist in Japan, Akira Tsukasa. Another to an expert in theories of alternative sentience and intelligence, Devra Bogdanovich. His desire: To gain Control of the XM Portals, forever. To ensure that he can shape his universe’s destiny in a manner that is unalterable and inevitable.
Tsukasa and Bogdanovich had both collaborated previously, the result of their collaboration was an experiment that, if successful, would slow the spread of the unknown XM entity, Machina, for a period of several weeks across September and October.
One individual lies at the core of this universe’s fate — Roland Jarvis — he pulls its outcome towards his vision — but this fate remains variable…
Other voices are reaching out towards him: Ezekiel Calvin, part spy, part scientist; Misty Hannah, a magician masquerading as trickster; The sentient algorithm known as ADA, born in the collision between detection systems and the quantum particles they were designed to study.
An Discovery awaits him — an epiphany — but what that epiphany contains will be determined by the Discoverie Anomalie Series’ impact on the state of XM in TS-RUBICON.