Er du lidt nedtrykt over det mørke og kedelige vejr? Hvorfor så ikke få lidt incitament til at gøre december måned lidt mere hyggelig, lidt mere julet og lidt mere Ingresset?
XF Hackevent holdet er klar til deres 24 opgaver over 24 dage i deres julekalender – Advent Calendar 2024.
Ved løsning og indsendelse af stats eller foto hver dag inden 23.59 modtager du point som indgår i en konkurrence hvor du kan vinde lidt swag og lign.
For at starte din deltagelse indsend dine stats til botten.
🎄Let’s save Christmas again! 🎄
Dear agents,
Christmas is approaching, and so is Anti-Claus. We have reasons to assume he has evil plans again. Get your to-do lists ready and be prepared to add whatever is takes to defeat him.
Join forces with agents all across the globe – together, we can win.
Let’s save Christmas again!
As we need everyone to join the fight, we will have stats tasks as well as creative tasks. You can upload your data either via our TG Bot, or directly on the homepage.
I lighed med tidligere år så arrangerer holdet bag XF Hackevent Calendar også i år en julekalender – Advent Calendar 2023 – hvor du kan løse en lille Ingress-relateret opgave hver dag fra 1. til 24. december. Ved løsning og indsendelse af stats eller foto hver dag inden 23.59 modtager du point som indgår i en konkurrence. Du kan med din deltagelse gøre december måned lidt sjovere, lidt lysere, lidt mere julet og så får du jo også aktiveret dig med Ingress. Det er et XF event som ikke er arrangeret af Niantic.
Christmas is approaching, but it is not the only thing that is getting closer. There are increased numbers of Anti-Claus’ sightings, and sightings of yet unknown things as well.
So he is back. And he seems to have brought something with him.
Join forces with agents all across the globe – together, can we win.
Let’s save Christmas again!
As we need everyone to join the fight, this edition will be stay-at-home-compliant again. You can upload your stats either via our TG Bot, or directly on the homepage. All tasks will be offered in EN/ES/FR/GER/JP and PT.
We can win this. Connect. Work together. Let’s save Christmas again!
Document: royThsiSegj-bujFiSedest
Date: ##########
Location: ######################################
Subjects: PxA (Identified: TSUKASA, AKIRA), PxB (Identified: BOGDANOVICH, DEVRA)
Transcript Begins
PxA: I hope security didn't give you too much trouble. They can be overzealous.
PxB: Understatement of the year. Why am I here? Why couldn't we do this over VC?
PxA: Your theoretical paper on harmonic communication in viruses. It provided a cornerstone I needed to pinpoint a frequency based attack on Machina Portals.
PxB: Frequency based? Akira, look, your expertise in XM Resonance is nothing short of groundbreaking, If I can bring theory to your tech, that's amazing, What do you need?
PxA: Ah, you misunderstand. I already did it. Please observe.
PxB: Is that… Tchaikovsky?
PxA: I needed a payload wrapper. I chose something I don't mind hearing a lot.
Px8: I don't believe it. The effects are immediate. Drastic. Akira! I'm stunned.
PxA: Thank you, But I do have concerns. There's uncertainty about the long-term effects. Machina could adapt. We might even see shifts in its behavior.
PxB: I've thought about that as well. Viruses, by their nature, mutate. If Machina behaves like biological viruses, we may need to continuously update the approach.
PxA: Precisely, I also worry about unanticipated impacts on the Portals, or on Machina.
PxB: Science is the art of uncertainty. But given the imminent threat, we need to act. Collaboration will be key.
PxA: Yes, I can't do this without you. I need your theoretical mind working on how Machina may adapt. Maybe we can even figure out where it comes from.
PxB: Agreed. I've spent decades theorizing about this. You've brought it to life and given it purpose.
PxA: I'm going to leverage the XM spike from the Kobe Anomaly to distribute this attack throughout the entire network.
PxB: Machina's going to get an Overture it won't forget…
FxA: Wow.
PxB: Sorry. Jetlagged. My sense of humor may improve once I've rested.
PxA: I hope so. That was really quite bad.
Transcript Ends
Notes: The SIGINT device ########################## active for 16 days. References to ################### will need further investigation. Due to the nature of the ############### further analysis of the ########### cannot be performed at this time.
Der er faktisk 3 kryptotekster i fotoet som alle giver passcodes. De er dog alle FR.