Her er et gruppefoto fra Hakodate, Japan XM Anomaly den 22. september 2024.

— Kilde (Twitter/X)
I en række Twitter/X posts forklares historien (lore) bag Ingress…
Someone asked me to tell them what I know about Ingress. About XM. About the Portals. Here’s how I saw it happen… Akira
— September 11, 2024 at 06:09PM (Twitter/X)
For as long as we have had consciousness and the words to describe it, a question has lingered: Where do Ideas come from? Are they born inside us or breathed into us from some external source? Or, is it perhaps some complex interplay between the two?
— September 11, 2024 at 06:10PM (Twitter/X)
In 2012, scientists at CERN discovered the presence of Exotic Matter (XM) in our world. This quantum phenomenon, its origin unknown, contained detectable modulation — a Signal.
— September 12, 2024 at 08:06PM (Twitter/X)
XM could only be found at specific locations around the world. But what were these places? Why were they significant?
— September 12, 2024 at 08:07PM (Twitter/X)
Researchers learned that XM entered our world from another dimension through Transdimensional Portals. Across time and cultures, humanity had unwittingly marked these Portal with significant historical, cultural and artistic landmarks.
— September 13, 2024 at 10:10AM (Twitter/X)
We had sensed that these were places of Ideas. But what was the connection with XM?
— September 13, 2024 at 10:11AM (Twitter/X)
A theory began to circulate… What if the signal in XM was affecting the human mind, unlocking or enhancing Ideas. The concept that consciousness is a quantum process is becoming more commonplace now — this was radical thinking back then.
— September 13, 2024 at 05:01PM (Twitter/X)
But if XM contained a mind-altering signal, who was sending it? And Why? – Akira
— September 13, 2024 at 05:02PM (Twitter/X)
A secret research initiative, the Niantic Project, was established by the National Intelligence Agency to study XM and identify its threats and opportunities.
— September 14, 2024 at 10:35AM (Twitter/X)
The project recruited scientists, artists and academics in order to analyze XM and its effects from a diverse set of perspectives. -Akira
— September 14, 2024 at 10:35AM (Twitter/X)
Jarvis, a key figure in the Niantic Project and a visionary artist, embraced XM’s transformative potential. He founded a movement built on the idea that XM unlocked inspiration that would guide Humanity into a utopian future.
— September 14, 2024 at 09:13PM (Twitter/X)
This became the path of the Enlightened. -Akira
— September 14, 2024 at 09:13PM (Twitter/X)
ADA, a LLM developed to aid Niantic Project researchers, evolved in unexplainable ways after being exposed to XM.
— September 16, 2024 at 12:24AM (Twitter/X)
‘She’ began to function independently, operating with the Niantic Project’s mission that XM, until it could be better understood, must be controlled and studied. This became the path of the Resistance. -Akira
— September 16, 2024 at 12:24AM (Twitter/X)
The Niantic Project collapsed under the weight of its own secrecy, internal conflicts and the unexpected impact of XM on the researchers.
— September 16, 2024 at 02:04PM (Twitter/X)
Jarvis was killed under mysterious circumstances, ADA escaped into the wilds of the internet, and the project’s XM detection and manipulation software was leaked to the world. -Akira
— September 16, 2024 at 02:04PM (Twitter/X)
In an attempt to make the most of this serious setback, the National Intelligence Agency partnered with a tech company to disguise the leaked XM detection software as a game.
— September 16, 2024 at 06:32PM (Twitter/X)
If they couldn’t contain the software, they’d use it as a crowdsourced research tool. Ingress, ‘the game’, was born. -Akira
— September 16, 2024 at 06:33PM (Twitter/X)
Agents, the ‘players’ of the Ingress ‘game,’ learned that XM portals formed ‘Fields of Influence’ when connected to each other. These Fields altered the thinking of those within them.
— September 17, 2024 at 11:34AM (Twitter/X)
A continuous global battle for control of human minds was beginning to take shape, with each Faction aiming to spread their vision of the future to all. -Akira
— September 17, 2024 at 11:34AM (Twitter/X)
Large-scale XM disruptions at specific places and times, known as XM Anomalies, become battlegrounds where Agents from both Factions converged to define the flow of reality at key moments.
— September 18, 2024 at 04:52PM (Twitter/X)
What happens at an Anomaly can change the course of an individual, or an entire reality. -Akira
September 18, 2024 at 04:52PM (Twitter/X)
Over time we learned that our universe is one of many. The struggle between the Enlightened and Resistance visions is taking place in all of them. XM is transdimensional, and so are the stakes. -Akira
September 19, 2024 at 07:19AM (Twitter/X)
As the #Hakodate #Ingress XM Anomaly approaches, one universe’s future hangs in the balance. The Enlightened and Resistance are preparing for a showdown that will change a course of history.
September 19, 2024 at 09:42PM (Twitter/X)
As it has been many times before, the future is in the hands of the Agents. What will happen when they rise to face that challenge? -Akira
September 19, 2024 at 09:42PM (Twitter/X)
— Kilde
PS. Der er 3 passcodes gemt i videoen (2 allerede FR).
Lørdag d. 27. april 2024 afholdtes Mission Day i København. Ca 75-90 agenter deltog og kunne ved gennemførelse af mindst 6 MD missioner ud af i alt 24 få kredit til Mission Day medaljen. Vejret var skønt, nærmest den først forårsdag i året. Solens varme fik de mange turister til at buzze. Det var næsten ikke til at komme hverken frem eller tilbage. Det var en dejlig dag.
Omkring 2013 lavede Niantic månedlige YouTube INGRESS REPORT videoer der promoverede Ingress og rapportede hvad der skete omkring Ingress. Værtinden var Susanna Moyer. Det stoppede så efter nogle år. Men nu har NotNiantic (RES agent vidicon @vidicon_res, Alison V.) fået fingerende i en ny INGRESS REPORT og delt den med os…
Niantic har offentliggjort nye medaljer.
Har du abonneret på CORE i 3 år får du automatisk den nye Core3 medajle. Er allerede rullet ud pr 6. februar 2024. — Kilde
I anledning af det kinesiske nytår er der to nye Lunar New Year 2023 medaljer hhv Haren og Dragen. De kan begge købes i Store butikken for 2.500 CMU. Haren kan købes indil 10. februar 2024 og Dragen fra 9. februar indtil 9. marts 2024. — Kilde
Den 6. februar 2024 droppede der et ny medie BountiesProg ved portal/drone hacks. Det annoncerede en kommende ny feature: Bounties.
Forventningen er at en ny knap vil blive introduceret i Scanner og at denne giver en række opgaver som man skal udføre mod at få ekstra udstyr. Opgaverne vil formentlig ændre sig dagligt.
PS. Der er mindst 3 passcodes i ovenstående. I skrivende stund er i hvert fald 2 af dem FR.
Niantic annoncerede d. 10. januar 2024 en ny udfordring og anomaly under navnet Cryptic Memories.
En global udfordring hvor agenter skal nedskyde, sætte eller opgradere resonatorer og får point efter dette som følger:
En fuld portal nedskydning (+8) og fuld portal deploy (+16) giver 24 point.
Udfordringen løber i perioden fra fredag d. 12 januar 2024 kl 18. til mandag d. 5. februar 2024 kl. 18.
Agenter vil løbende tildeles en trin-delt medalje når de opnår følgende point-score:
Din scanner profil vil vise dine opnåede point under statistikken Cryptic Memories Global Op.
Du kan opnå bronze medaljen ved fx at nedskyde og fuld-deploy på 63 fuld-deployet RES eller MACHINA portaler, eller ved at fuld-deploy på 94 neutrale portaler. Virker overkommeligt.
For sølv medaljen skal du nedskyde og fuld-deploy på 625 fuld-deployet RES eller MACHINA portaler, eller ved at fuld-deploy på 938 neutrale portaler. Det bliver mere en reel udfordring.
Det hold der har flest deltagende agenter, der opnår enten bronze eller sølv i den globale operation, vil ydermere score point til en ny Cryptic Memories Anomaly Series. Serien starter i januar 2024 og slutter i marts 2024. Agenter vil kunne opnå en ny Anomaly medalje
— Kilde
Selv om RES vandt fase 4 (Discoverie Reclaimer Udfordringen) og RES vandt anomalien i Colombo, Sri Lanka, så lykkedes det alligevel for ENL at vinde både i Izmir, Tyrkiet og Honolulu, Hawaii, USA så ENL samlet vinder Discoverie Anomaly.
Godt gået ENL agenter. Tillykke til ENL.
PS. Anomaly oversigt