
Kobe Media Drop

Machina Overture media drop

Document: royThsiSegj-bujFiSedest

Date: ##########
Location: ######################################
Subjects: PxA (Identified: TSUKASA, AKIRA), PxB (Identified: BOGDANOVICH, DEVRA)

Transcript Begins

PxA: I hope security didn't give you too much trouble. They can be overzealous.
PxB: Understatement of the year. Why am I here? Why couldn't we do this over VC?
PxA: Your theoretical paper on harmonic communication in viruses. It provided a cornerstone I needed to pinpoint a frequency based attack on Machina Portals.
PxB: Frequency based? Akira, look, your expertise in XM Resonance is nothing short of groundbreaking, If I can bring theory to your tech, that's amazing, What do you need?
PxA: Ah, you misunderstand. I already did it. Please observe.
PxB: Is that… Tchaikovsky?
PxA: I needed a payload wrapper. I chose something I don't mind hearing a lot.
Px8: I don't believe it. The effects are immediate. Drastic. Akira! I'm stunned.
PxA: Thank you, But I do have concerns. There's uncertainty about the long-term effects. Machina could adapt. We might even see shifts in its behavior.
PxB: I've thought about that as well. Viruses, by their nature, mutate. If Machina behaves like biological viruses, we may need to continuously update the approach.
PxA: Precisely, I also worry about unanticipated impacts on the Portals, or on Machina.
PxB: Science is the art of uncertainty. But given the imminent threat, we need to act. Collaboration will be key.
PxA: Yes, I can't do this without you. I need your theoretical mind working on how Machina may adapt. Maybe we can even figure out where it comes from.
PxB: Agreed. I've spent decades theorizing about this. You've brought it to life and given it purpose.
PxA: I'm going to leverage the XM spike from the Kobe Anomaly to distribute this attack throughout the entire network.
PxB: Machina's going to get an Overture it won't forget…
FxA: Wow.
PxB: Sorry. Jetlagged. My sense of humor may improve once I've rested.
PxA: I hope so. That was really quite bad.

Transcript Ends

Notes: The SIGINT device ########################## active for 16 days. References to ################### will need further investigation. Due to the nature of the ############### further analysis of the ########### cannot be performed at this time.

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